After my part in the DFW Support Staff, I took a few days after to go to the Texas State Fair. I really liked it. I wish my friends were with me. The midway games brought back memories of other Fairs I went to. Everything is fried at the Fair; from Snickers bars to the famous "corney dogs"
This is a sample of a prize winner in the Annual Fried Foods competition.
It's a Fried Banana Split, and yummy. I did not get a chance to sample the winner, which was Chicken Fried Bacon. Humm...
The famous butter sculpture. It's a tribute to the King Tut exhibition that will be in Dallas in late October.Some of the livestock at the Fair.Judging the young cattleThe Piglet Races. It was hilariousHere I am with Big Tex. He got new clothes this year. I highly recommend this State Fair to everyone. Can't wait till next year.