Sunday, February 01, 2009

Au Family Narcissus Sale

Every year the Au In Kwai Family Club sells Narcissus plants as part of the Narcissus Festival. The narcissus flower is prized by the Chinese during the New Year festivities. Not only is it very fragrant, but also beautiful. There are two types of plants that are sold, the upright and the "crab claw" styles. The crab claw style takes much time and patience to cultivate. Here we are cleaning and prepping the bulbs for sale.

Dr. Francis Au and Dr. Cora Au (sitting) they're in their 90's!Jerry Chan cleaning a crab claw narcissus
After all the decayed and old scales of the bulbs are removed, leaves trimmed and non blooming bulblets removed, they are placed into styrofoam containers till we plant them into pots the next day.And the final product all planted are ready for sale.Above is the upright style, and below is the "crab claw" style.My "cousins" in front of the boothCallman and Francis Au

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