Monday, September 28, 2009


So, we're sitting in the conference room for the yearly Systemwide Trainers Conference, when they begin announcing the Trainers of the 2nd Quarter. The first was for "below" wing, and it went to ANC Ramp Trainer Chester Long. I had the pleasure of working with this "Hawaiian" in Austin. Then Donna begins reading the intro for the "above" wing Trainer. As she's reading, she mentions that something about jumping in and painting while assisting with a station opening. I'm thinking, humm, I did that. She goes on, and says that this Trainer created a Image proficiency review. Humm, I did that too. Continuing, she says that this Trainer created a C-20 powerpoint. Okay, wait a minute. I think it's me! I had my head down, then raised it to see Heidi with a big smile on her face. ...and the Trainer of the 2nd Quarter is... Colin Leong. OMG!
Not only was I shocked, but actually proud. This is an affirmation that I LOVE what I do. I enjoy sharing what I've learned and making it easier for others. I can only hope to continue to live up to the (now higher) standards the Customer Services Division has set.

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