Wednesday, November 11, 2009

OAK-KOA Inaugural

We are once again expanding in the Hawaii market. This time it's from Oakland. ( Not to steal their thunder, but in the AM on the 10th, it was announced that we are once again expanding, this time from SJC to OGG and KOA, beginning in MAR 2010. ) SMF begins a week later MAR 2010. Lulu and I decided to get on the Inaugural flight. We didn't really coordinate our travel plans, lesson learned, next time communicate!
Anyway, here are some of the pictures of the celebration. OAK, you did a wonderful job, ALOHA!
Look who we found onboard, Aloha JD! Good seeing you again.

Here are some arrival pictures.
They use the ramp now, instead of the airstairs. Hallelujah!
The yummy Haupia cake for those departing back to OAK.
Craig (HI Station Mngr) asked me to serve it. My fingers were stained blue as a result!
The infamous "goody bag" I keep adding to the collection! ; )

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