Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Musei Vaticani, continued

The following are pictures of paintings on the ceilings of the buildings leading to the Sistine Chapel.



Keep going...Almost there....


Raphaels, The Disputa. Christ and the saints in heaven are overseeing a discussion of the Eucharist by the mortals below.


The School of Athens, another masterpiece from Raphael. This fresco symbolizes the spirit of the Renaissance. Displaying the rebirth of classical art, learning, discovery and the optimistic spirit that man is a rational creature. In the center, Plato and Aristotle. Plato points up to the spiritual world, while Aristotle points down to the earth. Raphael painted himself in the fresco, he is at the far right, in the black beret.


The Stanza of the Borgo Fire. This fresco shows Pope Leo IV imparting his blessing, as the city burns outside the wall. Fleeing the fire with his father, Anchises on his back and son following is the hero Aeneas.


The final sign before entering the Sistine Chapel. Please notice the warnings. NO PHOTO and SSSHHHH. (the tall guard kept saying as we viewed the most beautiful fresco in the world)

Well, that's it. No photography allowed, and "silence is golden" in the Chapel.

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