Monday, October 09, 2006

Musei Vaticani, the Vatican Museum

After receiving the Popes blessing, it was on our way to the Vatican Museum. The line was very long, but did move fast. This was just the beginning of the line.
"Assholes". What I blurted out to the Italian tourists that cut in front of us. After being in line for about 30 minutes, up pulls a tour bus, the door opens, and out they come. They just merged right in front of us. After trying to tell them the line is all the way back, and to get back there, they just kept merging. Assholes.

The Roman Pinecone at the entrance to the Museum

The Museum begins with the Egyptian Room. Here is an ancient sarcophagus

A well preserved Mummy. She died three millennia ago. Her disemboweled organs were placed into the jars below, called Canopic Vases.

View of the "new wing", housing classical sculptures.


The Laocoon. The most famous Greek statue in ancient Rome. It depicts Laocoon, a Trojan High Priest and his two sons struggling with the serpents send by the goddess Athena, as punishment for warning Troy about the evils of the Trojan Horse.


Keep going, we're almost there!

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